Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back on the coast

Sorry guys I know this is just a teaser for what you really want. Sadly I spend 4 day madly packing up my condo, trying to stay awake for a few hours each day without wanting to nap constantly. Tip: don't try to move several days after Ironman

Now that I'm back on the island. After a brief pit stop in Penticton to pick up Lola and do a nice recovery ride up Green Mountain. It's nice having friends in such a beautiful city so conveniently located between me and Calgary!

Now I have a 8 page paper due on Sunday! Eeeeep Sorry guys that race report will be done soon I swear!


Julie said...

A recovery ride up Green Mountain? WTF??? You are truly nuts, my friend!!

My recovery is going very well -- each day I awake to a new and different type of pain in various parts of my body. Oh yeah, and I've been sleeping LOTS!!!

You never mind about us. We can wait for your race report -- you just take care of that honking paper and get some rest.

I'm happy to see you are up and about now! :) :)

By the way -- I was so freaking excited to see you on the bike during the out-and-back, that when I yelled "Hi Kelsey!", I forgot I had my mouth full of gel and carbo-pro. NICE!! :) :) :)

Keith said...

Personally, I think that "Combo of dizzy, dry heaving and shuffling but made it under my do or die time" says all that needs to be said.