Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Damn Jenna

So for those of you who know me know that I cannot back down from a challenge. Call me chicken, cluck and swat your arm like a bird and I'm in. So Ms. Jenna was looking for volunteers to join her 100 push up challenge and of course I'm in. I've been seriously lacking in the upper body strength department and looking for a serious challenge.

Right now I can do 3 serious, full form push ups. So starting next week I'll be on week one of the challenge. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'll be doing my set and aiming for 100 pushups. (I secretly think this is Jenna's way to get me to update more!!)

Other news I'm 4 papers away from the end of this term. One 5 page, one 10 page and two 2 page essays by Sunday at midnight. My laptop and I are about to get really, really comfortable. The good news? When I wake up on Monday morning I'll be on a two week break! plans for the break include

- FInally making an appointment with the 'magic cure all shin splints' chiropractor
- Explore the island, a trip to Ladysmith and Tofino perhaps?
- A few bike trips, a ride up the Malahat!
- Join the YMCA (or Crystal Pool)
- Work many, many shifts at MEC
- Clean out my car

In other news I'm on day two of my detox. I'm hoping that I can get rid of the gross, run down, lethargic feeling I've had for a month or so now. Part school, part family stress, part financial, part end of IM training, part picking up my life I've been feeling grotty lately and I'm hoping this detox will kick my butt back where it should be.


Shannon Wicks said...

Hey Kelsey,

Glad to see things are well out on the West Coast.

Jenna said...

So this detox...what is it? VODKA? LMAO - Yes, I want you to update your damn blog. So get busy.... This will be fun.... so do I put your initial assessment down as three pushups because I am gonna keep a runny tally on the side bar on my blog of everyone:) I know... I wuv you too!

Keith said...

You just *had* to rub it in with the mention of a bike ride, didn't you? The only people riding outside now, here, are certifiable. Icy roads and sidewalks everywhere.

Hope the detox goes well. If you're looking to "flush" the system, you might want to follow that link Susi posted. :-)

My totally fave detox is choco chip cookies, or peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Preferably in the same meal.

kelsey said...

Ha Ha Jenna It's not vodka, my liver has had enough vodka!!!

It's the wild rose detox. Not booze, not sugar, not flour nothing good for 12 days. Combined with hots of crazy herbs and laxatives. Some crazy pooping going on. There are some blogs out there that people take pictures of the gross stuff that lives in their intestinal track. gross!

Do it! Post it! It'll keep me accountable!

Julie said...

Welcome back you total goddess you!! I think you might want to try Keith's detox first, and then wash it down with Jenna's version!! Hahahaha!! It would sure clear you out, and I think you probably would not feel much of anything after that mind-blowing experience. LOL!!

Let's do some push ups!!! Hahahahaha!!

Jenna said...

ewwwy.... i shouldn;t have googled it but i did...yack attack!

Jenna said...

how them pushups going??

kelsey said...

starting tomorrow! I have two last papers to write and then I'm free as a bird

Jenna said...

ok blog a new title - everytime i come here i see DAMN JENNA and feel bad :( - yes julie and i together is gonna be scary....baaa haaa haaa... i have lots of airmiles and was thinking my friend Kelsey needs me to visit her some time.....